Harp-Myself. Flute-Julie Thorne. Piano-Kathy Modin
Julie and I have played harp/flute at nursing homes and churches for the Christmas Holidays since 2002, Kathy joined us in 2007. Our rehearsals are way too much fun and our performing experiences divine. Harp-Abilities should not be a lone pursuit!
I look forward to photos and details of our future gatherings, but this post is a touch of the past.
Some of the places we have shared music at in Duluth area are:
Glensheen Mansion
Benedictine Health Center
Edgewood Vista
Hope Methodist Church
Grace Baptist Church
CHOICE, unlimited
Polinsky Rehabilitation
At one nursing home, a younger gentleman with limited mobility kept crying out - A harp! A harp! When the harp was passed from person to person, and then it finally reached him to touch he was illuminated and full of joy - then he kept saying I played the harp!
At another home, we played at their church service and an older gentleman was in deep conversation with Julie quite a bit before the service. I thought, well - she's blond and pretty and he's quite taken. But he left and I wondered Hmmmm? Doesn't like harp and flute? But back he came just in time for the start of the service - with his tuba! Although the minister tried to control the situation saying other music can be played AFTER the service, our tuba friend was moved by the music and joined in - with amazing musicality! It was obvious he had a classical background. So we had a wonderful service of Harp-Abilities, Flute-Abilities AND Tuba-Abilities!
Holidays can be difficult for you if you are in care and your loved ones and families want that glimmer of joy brought back to your eyes and hope for recovery. I went to a hospital rehab center with my harp to play for a close friend who had a close call health-wise, several other patients joined in. Holiday Harp music provides not only distraction, but also soothing tones and rhythms of a better time in their lives. Many are moved just by the sight of a harp, but those who also touch it respond with such joy. My friend has recovered, I wonder of the others - always.