Friday, March 26, 2010

Millennium Harper

Goal achieved! The journey has been so much more important and I appreciate all who shared it with me. Thanks to John Lozier, director of Harping for Harmony and his outstanding organization. Harp-Abilities will continue!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I always have some apprehension before harping at a hospital, but I clear the cobwebs and the harp and its music takes it away. Today three little girls, probably ages 2, 5 and 7, gathered around me in a waiting area and then sat at my feet listening and swaying to the music. One curled up to sleep. It not only relaxed the parents, but it was a wonderful experience for them to have while waiting in that area for who-knows-what news.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Accessible Harps forum discussion

I will be presenting a forum discussion and a couple of seminars on harps and disabilities at the Somerset Harp Festival this July 2010. I have setup a forum discussion for online participation about Accessible Harps. Please join us.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Health Fair

I really like participating in health fairs and today was no exception. The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd were very kind in having me share my harp music and also providing the space for people to try the small Harping for Harmony harp - those who tried it ranged in ages from 1 year to over 70. Soothing and calming were the common responses - and addictive! Kudos to this church for having a day long event that not only brought healing resources to the public, but also a place for socializing and being part of a community - so important to health!

Better Breathers

Thanks to the Better Breathers club of Duluth for having me bring my Harp-Abilities to their gathering. Sponsored by the American Lung Association, this group meets monthly. At their meeting this week, I introduced them to my harps and each person got to play the Harping for Harmony and the lap/zither harp. Some famous musicians with asthma - Judy Collins Send in the Clowns, Ludwig van Beethoven, Lenard Bernstein and Kenny G.

Monday, March 1, 2010

AAAWD art showing

Thank you Access for All at UMD who sponsored and provided gallery space for the AAAWD (Arrowhead Alliance of Artists with Disabilities) showing of 2 and 3 dimensional artwork and hosting a reception in the University's Multicultural Center Feb. 17, at which I played harp.

February 15 – March 15,

The Multicultural Center
Kirby Student Union, University of Minnesota, Duluth
270 Kirby Student Center
1120 Kirby Drive, Duluth, MN